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Christian Formation and Education





Corpus Christi Pre-School


Term-time in the Parish Centre Hall. 
For children of pre-school age. 
Whilst there are close links with the School, progression to St Patrick’s is not automatic. 

Contact:  Anne Brown : 07949-187273 



Saint Patrick’s Primary School


Provides a Catholic Christian environment for the education of primary school age children. 

Headteacher:  Mrs Sharon Newman: 01708-745655 



Catholic Secondary Schools


From this parish most of our young people go on to one of the local Catholic Secondary Schools: 

All Saints’ Comprehensive Technology College 
Terling Road, off Wood Lane, Dagenham, Essex RM8 1JT 
020-8270 4242 

Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School 
(girls only) 
77 Queens Road, Brentwood, Essex CM14 4HD 

The Campion School 
(boys only, Sixth Form: mixed) 
Wingletye Lane, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 3BX 

Sacred Heart of Mary Girls’ School 
70 St Mary’s Lane, Upminster, Essex RM14 2QR 
01708-222660 or 228590 






Preparation for First Holy Communion (children) 


Any child who attends Mass at Corpus Christi may begin preparation for First Holy Communion (they need to be in Year 3 - the school year in which they will be 8 years old). 


If you have a child in Year 2 (or older) and you would like them to receive their First Holy Communion in 2025 - information will be available towards the end of the autumn term (November 2024) and will be published in the parish newsletter - this is available at Mass each week.


Programme Coordinator:  Olivia Paton



Preparation for Confirmation (young adults) 


This Sacrament is usually celebrated annually, for young people in Year 11 (or older).


Preparation for the celebration in 2025 will be announced in due course and will be publicised in the parish newsletter.


Contact:  Father Philip or John: 01708-749050



Christian Initiation of Adults 

An annual programme of meetings for adults who are seeking to know more about our way of life and, perhaps, to commit themselves by being baptised or (for those already baptised in another tradition) received into full communion with the Catholic Church. 


Preparation for the celebration in 2025 will be announced in due course and will be publicised in the parish newsletter.

Based upon the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (an ancient process of initiation that was restored in the Catholic Church in the 1970s), over a period of months there are ritual “moments” which mark the stages of the journey. 
The highpoint is the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. 


Contact:  Father Philip or John: 01708-749050


Corpus Christi Pre-School
Saint Patrick’s Primary School
Catholic Secondary Schools
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Preparation for First Holy Communion (children) 
Preparation for Confirmation (young adults)
Christian Initiation of Adults 
Contact Us

Lowshoe Lane
Telephone: 01708 749050


Parish Office hours 09:00-12:00 Monday to Friday

The church is open every day

until 6.00 pm

           Church Hall Hire

For Hall Bookings please call 07936 198570. If you do not get an immediate reply, please text and you will be contacted

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