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Other Sacraments







Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday : 6.00 - 6.30 pm  (or on call).


We also celebrate a Liturgy of Forgiveness and Reconciliation before Christmas and Easter.

At these liturgies a number of priests are available, providing the opportunity for individual confession.



Sacrament of Baptism - for infants

The Liturgy of Baptism is celebrated, by appointment; at present they are usually (but not only) celebrated on Saturday at 12 noon.


Parents are asked to telephone the Parish Office at Church House (Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 12 noon) to book a date, collect an application form and arrange their preparation.


Sacrament of Baptism - for adults

This takes place at the Great Vigil of Easter following a period of preparation

and the celebration of the Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).


Further information about the RCIA programme can be found in the section 

"Our Community"  >  "Christian Formation and Education".


First Holy Communion - for children

Each autumn, children in Year 3 (or older) begin preparation for First Holy Communion.


The programme also includes preparation for First Reconciliation.


The celebration of First Holy Communion usually takes place the following June.



Further information about the preparation programme can be found in the section 

"Our Community"   > "Christian Formation and Education".



Sacrament of Confirmation - for young adults

There is usually an annual celebration of this Sacrament for young people in Year 11 or above.

Further information about the preparation programme can be found in the section 

"Our Community"  >  "Christian Formation and Education".



Sacrament of Marriage

Before deciding a date, couples need to telephone the Parish Office on 01708-749050 to arrange their preparation and to check that Father Philip, and the church, will be available.



Sacrament of the Sick

Please contact Father Philip should you, or a relative or friend, require prayer with the anointing and laying-on of hands. The Sacrament can be celebrated wherever or whenever necessary – at home, in hospital or Saint Francis' Hospice.


Communion for the Sick or Housebound

Please contact Father Philip or John if you, or a relative or friend, would like to receive Holy Communion at home.

If in hospital or Saint Francis' Hospice, please let  Father Philip know so that he can arrange for Holy Communion to be brought to you. We can then also remember you at Mass and in our prayers.


Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sacrament of Baptism - for infants
Sacrament of Baptism - for adults
First Holy Communion - for children
Sacrament of Confirmation - for young adults
Sacrament of Marriage
Sacrament of the Sick
Communion for the Sick or Housebound
Contact Us

Lowshoe Lane
Telephone: 01708 749050


Parish Office hours 09:00-12:00 Monday to Friday

The church is open every day

until 6.00 pm

           Church Hall Hire

For Hall Bookings please call 07936 198570. If you do not get an immediate reply, please text and you will be contacted

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