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Events, Groups & Organisations in our Community


Liturgical Ministries


Weekly Events & Activities​


Other Contacts


Other Groups and Organisations



Liturgical Ministries
Archconfraternity of Saint Stephen (Altar Servers)

Our altar servers are affiliated to this Association which is under the patronage of St Stephen, one of the first deacons ordained by the apostles and the first Christian martyr. Any young person who has received their First Holy Communion may learn to assist at the altar.

Contact: Father Philip or John : 01708-749050




Leads the singing at the Solemn Mass on Sundays and at other principal liturgies throughout the year.
Contact: Catherine Kelly : 01708-747761


Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Described by Pope Paul VI as “an important office of immense love”. Ministers of Holy Communion have the privilege of assisting with the distribution of holy communion at Mass; some also take the Eucharist to the sick and housebound.
Contact: Father Philip or John : 01708-749050




As well as playing at the Solemn Mass on Sundays and at the other principal liturgies throughout the year our organist is also available (diary permitting) for weddings and funerals here.
Organist: Catherine Kelly : 01708-747761




An important liturgical ministry - Readers proclaim the Word of God during the celebration of the Mass. Usually this means a commitment once every four weeks.
Contact: Father Philip or John : 01708-749050


Weekly Events
Coffee after Mass


Occasional Sundays - announced in the newsletter.






Church Cleaning

A team of wonderful helpers who keep the church looking fresh; much of the work is done on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings after Mass. Meets Tuesdays (brass polishing) and Wednesdays at 9.30 am inside the church. It is a big building and extra helpers are always welcome!

Contact: Linda Withers : 01708-766221



Gardening Team


A team of volunteer gardeners meet outside the church after Mass on Thursdays at about 9.30. Let us know if you are available at any other time.

Contact: Jean Capps : 01708-912544


Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SVP)

A group who seek to live out the Gospel through caring for others. Members give practical and financial help to those in need and visit many sick, elderly and housebound people in the parish. They also support a twinned Conference in India.

Contact: Michael Chadwick or other member of the SVP (usually available after Mass at the Repository in the church porch)




Church Flowers

The church is usually decorated each Sunday, and especially for the major festivals and for weddings; you may like to consider having an arrangement placed on the Sanctuary or the Shrine of Our Lady for a special occasion or in memory of somebody.
Contact: Vera O’Neill : 01708-767391


4th Collier Row Scout Group

All sections of our Scout Group are open to boys and girls; meetings are currently suspended.
Group Scout Leader: Mick Doolan : 07949-764689 or email:

Beaver Scouts (aged 6-8 years)
Wednesdays: 5.00 - 6.15 pm in the Parish Centre Hall.
Contact: Maria Green : 01708-747532

Cub Scouts (aged 8-10½ years)
Wednesdays: 6.30 - 8.00 pm in the Parish Centre Hall.
Contact: Tony Peters : 07847-075490

Scouts (aged 10½ - 14 years)
Wednesdays: 8.00 - 9.30 pm in the Parish Centre Hall.
Contact: Andy Fay : 07920-232428



Our Lady's Prayer Group

Meets for a prayerful recitation of the Rosary on Mondays : 7.30 - 9.00 pm at 10 Norman Close, Collier Row (off Ken Way).

The prayer will be followed by a time for social gathering.
Contact: Eileen Jonas : 01708-764154




Over 60's Club

A club for the senior members of our Community. Activities include day trips, bingo, raffles, bring & buy, lunches (at a local hostelry), holidays, general chat and good company. Meets in the Parish Centre Hall on Thursdays at 1.15-3.15 pm
Contact: Kay Collard : 01708-722672



Other Contacts
Gift Aid Scheme

If you pay tax, this is a painless way to increase your financial contribution to the church. The parish can recover from the Inland Revenue the tax you have paid on your donations.
Gift Aid Organiser: Awaiting appointment.  Please contact the Parish Office on 01708 749050


‘Missio’ – the Association for the Propagation of the Faith

This Association supports the work of the Mill Hill Missionaries in spreading the Gospel throughout the world. Individuals keep a Red Mission Box in their homes. Twice a year these are emptied and the proceeds sent to the APF. Ask after Mass for a Mission Box for your home.
Parish Missio Co-ordinator: 



Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults

Our parish team who are responsible for matters concerning the protection of children and vulnerable adults.
Contacts:  Karen :  07760-164320

                   Julie : 07961-084907



Other Groups and Organisations
Collier Row Catholic Club

Bar open daily with TV, pool and darts. Occasional dances, discos, etc in the Parish Hall. Details of membership and application forms obtainable from the door or bar staff.
Club Chairman: Kevin Cole : 01708-766365

Parish Hall Bookings : 07936-198570



Knights of Saint Columba (KSC)









Upminster Catenians

The Catenians are an association of Catholic laymen who are committed to their Faith, their families, to those in need and to each other. Their primary purpose is to establish a network of friends, which enhances their family life, strengthens their faith and sustains them in difficult times. They support each other, the Catholic Church, young people and those in need.

Their friendships are developed through meeting together locally once a month and enjoying a varied programme of social events together with their families and the widows of members.

For further information visit:


Archconfraternity of Saint Stephen
Church Cleaning
Collier Row Catholic Club
Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Church Flowers
4th Collier Row Scout Group
Gardening Team
Gift Aid Scheme
‘Missio’ – the Association for the Propagation of the Faith
Our Lady's Prayer Group
Over 60’s Club
Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SVP)
Stewards of the Gospel
Coffee after Mass
Children's Liturgy of the Word
North Romford Fuschia Society
Knights of Saint Columba (KSC)
Upminster Catenians
Contact Us

Lowshoe Lane
Telephone: 01708 749050


Parish Office hours 09:00-12:00 Monday to Friday

The church is open every day

until 6.00 pm

           Church Hall Hire

For Hall Bookings please call 07936 198570. If you do not get an immediate reply, please text and you will be contacted

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