Mass Times
Sunday Masses
6.30 pm (Vigil)
9.00 am (Solemn)
11.30 am (with Children’s Liturgy in the Parish Centre Hall - during term time)
Weekday Masses
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
9.00 am
Holy Day Masses
9.00 am and 7.30 pm
Check the Special Services page for occasions such as Holy Week and Christmas
and the Newsletter page for an up-to-date list of service times and Mass Intentions
Mass Times
Sunday Masses
6.30 pm (Vigil)
9.00 am (Solemn)
11.30 am (with Children’s Liturgy in the Parish Centre Hall - during term time)
Weekday Masses
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
9.00 am
Holy Day Masses
9.00 am and 7.30 pm
Check the Special Services page for occasions such as Holy Week and Christmas
and the Newsletter page for an up-to-date list of service times and Mass Intentions
Mass Times
Sunday Masses
6.30 pm (Vigil)
9.00 am (Solemn)
11.30 am (with Children’s Liturgy in the Parish Centre Hall - during term time)
Weekday Masses
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
9.00 am
Holy Day Masses
9.00 am and 7.30 pm
Check the Special Services page for occasions such as Holy Week and Christmas
and the Newsletter page for an up-to-date list of service times and Mass Intentions
Catholic Parish of Corpus Christi
Collier Row
Finance & Giving
Standing Order
A number of parishioners have found that setting up a Standing Order
has been a simple way of maintaining their support for the parish,
especially during the current pandemic.
In these difficult times we are more than aware of the many stresses and strains,
both personal and financial, being experienced by parishioners;
but if you feel able and are willing to continue making at least some contribution,
however small, we would be immensely grateful.
If you are interested in setting up a Standing Order, the link below will take you to
the standard form that you could print out and send to your bank.
It would be useful if you could let us know that you are setting up a Standing Order;
telephone the Parish Office on 01708-749050 (Monday to Friday : 9.00 am to 12 noon).
Our parish bank details are as follows:
HSBC plc, 91 High Street, Brentwood, Essex CM14 4RU
Account Name: Catholic Church Collier Row Corpus Christi
Sort Code: 40-13-22
Account Number: 21576682
Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax payer a simple and painless way of increasing
the value of your contributions to the parish is to Gift Aid your giving.
You do not have to contribute the same amount each week -
all you have to do is use the numbered Gift Aid envelopes, which we can provide for you.
Whatever amount you give over the course of the year,
the parish can claim the tax you have paid from HMRC.
For every £1 you give, the parish will receive an additional 25p.
It is simple to set up and is totally confidential.
Contributions made through a Standing Order can also be Gift Aided.
Our Gift Aid Organiser is: awaiting appointment.
In the meantime, please call the Parish Office for information during office hours:
9.00 am to 12 noon Monday to Friday : 01708-749050
or email:
The link below will take you to the Gift Aid Declaration Form
which you could print out, complete and return to the Parish office.